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5 Telltale Signs of Heroin Addiction

If you suspect a loved one is using heroin but are not positive if they are, there are signs of heroin addiction you can look out for. Most heroin users try to hide or lie about their heroin use. Sometimes it can be difficult to be sure if they are indeed using.
Other times, the signs are pretty visible. Learning what some of these telltale signs are can help you decide to seek help for them. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are a variety of treatments available for people that are addicted to heroin.

These treatments can be both behavioral and medication based. The best way to help stop an addiction to heroin is by becoming educated, and learning the common signs of heroin addiction.
This can help with intervention early, and can avoid a drastic life-changing event from happening.
It may be difficult at first to know if your loved one has a heroin addiction.
As the use increases, there are many signs that will alert you to the possible fact that they are addicted to heroin. Here are 5 telltale signs of heroin addiction to watch for:
- Mood Swings - A heroin addict can become hostile towards others, and even violent. They can easily get mad for no serious reason, and also become irritable. One moment they may seem happy, the next they are looking all gloomy.
- Eating Habits Change - They may skip meals or not eat at all. Loss of weight is common. Their nutrition will become poor.
- Poor Hygiene - They may no longer pay attention or care about how they look. Skipping baths, and wearing the same clothes regardless if not washed.
- Poor Performance in School or Work - A student's grades may lower, skip classes, get into trouble, and even get suspended. Someone that works may lose their job if they repeatedly show up late, are hostile to other workers, and get fired if they don't show up to work without calling in.
- Hidden Heroin Paraphernalia - They may possess a collection of burnt spoons, syringes and needles, shoelaces, plastic bags with white powder, and other items used in the preparation of heroin.
Any of the signs of heroin addiction mentioned above can be a strong indicator that a loved one is addiction to using heroin. As someone that cares, you have the right to intervene and seek help for a loved one. Standing still, and not choosing to interfere may result in serious consequences.
How to Help Heroin Addict's
You can approach them and talk about heroin addiction. They may not admit it, and even lie. If they have thought of getting help before, but became afraid to ask, this is an opportunity to discuss the possibilities of treatment. Some may refuse to seek help, and say they are not addicted and that they will be just fine. However, do not give up now. Addiction has life-threatening consequences. You need to call an addiction counselor 800-853-1387 that understand addiction, and can help you take the necessary steps to get your loved one to enter into treatment.

Should You Quit Heroin Cold Turkey?
Trying to end addiction abruptly can result in serious withdrawal symptoms than can be very painful, and unbearable. The symptoms can be hard to deal with, and can be dangerous for the addict.
The safest way is to start treatment with the assistance of medical professionals. They specialize in helping addicts recover from heroin use, and provide other therapies to help ease the pain of withdrawal.
Call a professional 800-947-5219, and speak to them about the signs of heroin addiction you have noticed in your loved one. Ask them anything about addiction that you need help understanding. Ask about heroin abuse treatment options. Whatever worries you about heroin addiction, you can ask them. They are ready to help guide you in the right direction. Your loved one can have a better and healthier lifestyle. You must not give up trying.